5 Ways Employers can Support Mental Health in the Workplace

Posted: 16 May 2019 at 3:57 pm | Author: Lauren Daws

Employees are likely to work more effectively when they feel mentally healthy, so take a look below at some of the small, but effective, ways you can support and encourage mental wellness in your workplace.

Positive workplace culture

Having a positive workplace environment has a whole host of benefits, including increased productivity and motivation. If your employees feel they are treated well at work and are having their voices heard they’re likely to experience less stress and can better focus their attention on the work they have to do.

Promoting healthy eating

If your company provides food for employees, ensure the meals you give them are nutritious. When working a busy schedule, many people will load up on caffeine and grab some food ‘on the go’, forgetting that our diet impacts our mental health as well as our physical health. If your employees tend to bring in their own lunch, providing fresh fruit and vegetables as snacks for everyone is a good way to encourage healthy eating.

Work-life balance and flexible working

With it said that one in three of us find ourselves thinking about work in personal time it’s important for your employees to maintain a good work-life balance. This could be done (where possible) through longer hours and shorter weeks, flexible hours or working from home. Allowing employees some extra time to focus on their personal lives can help them to be focused and more productive when they’re at work.

Actively value mental well-being

Make it known to your employees that mental well-being is valued within your organisation. This could include making your staff aware of the importance of exercise and mindfulness and making these accessible to them. Showing your employees that their mental health is important to you can help them feel more comfortable speaking about anything they might be going through.

Provide relevant training

Where possible, offer training to line managers and HR teams within your organisation so that they know how best to support members of their teams who struggle with mental health problems.

Mental health charity, Mind, offer training and consultancy surrounding mental health through training sessions or eLearning. These can be found at https://www.mind.org.uk/workplace/training-consultancy/.


For even more information on how you can support mental health within your workplace, download this guide created by the Mental Health Foundation.

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