Posted: 3 April 2020 at 2:13 pm | Author: Lauren Daws

Due to the current COVID-19 outbreak, we have answered some frequently asked questions that you might have about how the situation will impact your learning.


Can I still apply for your courses?

Yes – all of our courses are still open for applications. At this time, we don’t expect there to be changes to start dates, but if this does become the case applicants will be notified accordingly. We will also be offering a different delivery model for our courses, e.g. virtual instead of classroom. The admissions team are available to assist with any questions or concerns regarding your application.

To apply for a course, visit the relevant course page on our website, click the Apply Now button and the system will take you to our on-line application portal where you can submit your application for consideration.

How will pre-course interviews be undertaken?

In the current climate pre-course interviews will be undertaken by telephone or Skype with a member of the programme team.

How will the course induction be delivered?

The exact delivery will depend on the course applied for. However, the majority of our course induction is delivered via our Virtual Learning Environment (VLE)

I want to apply for a course, however I don’t meet the academic entry requirements due to my school being closed or my exams being cancelled. How are you judging eligibility in these circumstances?

We are reviewing our recruitment criteria to take into account the changing guidance being released by external organisations. Please submit your application with as much information as possible and we will review each case on its own merits.

Course Delivery and College Attendance – Business School Students

We are working to ensure course provision continues to be delivered safely, in line with government advice as well as guidance from the awarding bodies.

Face-to-face lecturing will be replaced by live streamed lectures, delivered and recorded by our academic staff

Combined with this guidance and the College’s decision to replace the face to face part of our courses with online alternatives that could be accessed over the internet including from overseas, and individual tutorials that are made available by tutors via Skype or other similar software, the Business School courses have been adapted to cope with the current situation. All students and their employers are being informed of any updates and should regularly check the VLE for the latest information.

Do I need to make arrangements with my employer in order to attend the live streaming sessions?

Live streamed lectures will, where possible, take place on the same day and at the same time as the classes were previously. If your employer requires a change to your working pattern these sessions will also be recorded so you can review them at a different time and complete other learning activities on a different day if needed.

What support will I receive to suit my individual learning preference?

We will work with you to ensure that you receive the 1:1 support that is needed to help guide you through your learning. Within the live streaming it is expected that there will be activities online that are set for you and individual tutorials will be arranged on a regular basis to ensure that the learning is structured and promotes ongoing development.

What time do the lectures start?

The live streams will commence at the same time as your classroom session (either 09:15 or 17:30). We recommend that the same hours as per the attended college days are dedicated to your learning. Whilst it’s not expected that the lectures will last as long as the usual sessions, there will be the opportunity for you to complete online learning, as well as learning activities/tests and research tasks set by the tutors. Live sessions will be delivered at the following times:

Cohort Day
AAT Level 4 (AM) Monday 09:15
AAT Level 4 (PM) Monday 17:30
AAT Level 3 (AM) Tuesday 09:15
AAT Level 2 (AM) Wednesday 09:15
AAT Level 3 (PM) Wednesday 17:30
AAT Level 2 (PM) Thursday 17:30

How do I access the live streams?

Links for the sessions will be released by the tutors, so that you can access the session at a time that suits. A guide will also be provided regarding how to access the sessions.

If I cannot attend the session on the day will this affect my attendance?

It is understandable that you may need to access the lecture on a different day and therefore we will work with you to ensure that your learning activity is tracked as fully as possible.

What should I do if I cannot access the live stream or lectures remotely?

Please contact the college IT team, or your tutor, for support so we can ensure access to your learning.

Assessment and Qualification


We appreciate that some students may be reluctant to suspend their work in the belief that it would prevent them from being able to complete their qualification by their planned achievement date. However, as AAT have currently postponed examinations, we are waiting to receive guidance on how and when students will be able to sit their exams.

Assessment remains a challenge and whilst the College is in conversation with the Awarding Organisations (e.g. AAT, ILM and City and Guilds), until clear guidance is available external assessment remains unavailable for the time being. We will update students and employers as this situation progresses. Please keep an eye on this blog post as we will update it when we receive further information.

Statement from CAW Business School

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