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10 Ways to Learn at Work

Posted: 10 May 2024 at 10:09 am | Author: CAW Business School

In today’s rapidly evolving job market, keeping your professional skills up-to-date is crucial for advancing in your career and enhancing your performance at work. Whether through formal training, online courses, mentorship, or hands on experience, every step you take towards learning contributes to your long-term success.

As part of this years’ Learning at Work Week, we’re exploring several effective strategies to help you learn new skills in the workplace:

1. Apprenticeships

Did you know, contrary to popular belief, apprenticeships aren’t just for school leavers? Apprenticeships are available to those at all levels of a company, and can be used by staff members to upskill in the workplace or prepare for career progression. To give just one example, you could choose to undertake a leadership and management apprenticeship as part of your training and progression into a management position.

2. Taking on new, different projects

Getting involved in new projects, especially those outside your usual responsibilities, can be a great way to learn by action. It shows your willingness to tackle new challenges, and can be a direct way to apply new knowledge and skills. It may also lead to formal training in a new subject, or open doors to new collaborations, mentorships, and career opportunities.

3. Undertaking internal company training

Many companies offer internal training sessions, workshops, or seminars to staff members. Make sure to take advantage of internal training sessions as they arise, as they’re designed to help you perform better and are often tailored to your specific industry or job function. Internal training is also an opportunity to refresh your understanding of company policies, procedures, and expectations.

4. Seeking out a mentor

Finding a mentor within your company can provide you with personalised guidance and insight into your career development. A mentor can support you in reaching your career goals by helping you navigate workplace challenges, offering advice based on their own experiences and setting up learning opportunities in the workplace.

5. Becoming a mentor

Whether you’re currently working in a mentoring role, or interested in becoming a mentor in the future, mentoring is more than just transferring advice and knowledge, and your mentor is not the only one who will be learning new skills. The mentor-mentee relationship can help you to strengthen your active listening and communication skills. Not only this, you can develop your personal leadership, management and coaching qualities. You could even undertake a formal qualification in coaching and mentoring to boost your skills even further.

6. Trying out different roles

If your company offers job rotation or secondment opportunities, why not give them a try? Moving into a different role for a short time period is a practical way to learn about different areas of your business and pick up skills you wouldn’t otherwise encounter. This process can broaden your skillset, as well as make you more versatile and adaptable.

7. Networking at industry events

Expanding your professional network by attending industry meetups, conferences or company events can significantly enhance your personal and professional growth by providing opportunities for you to exchange ideas and gain new perspectives. Building a strong network can also open doors to new learning opportunities, partnerships, and collaborations that might not be accessible through traditional channels.

8. Online training

Online learning platforms such as Coursera, Udemy, or LinkedIn Learning offer a range of courses across various fields. Check if your company provides access to any of these platforms—it can be a convenient way to learn new skills from the comfort of your desk or home. Your company may even host their own webinars and events that you can utilise to further your professional development. For example, at CAW Business School we deliver bitesize sessions exploring leadership and management skills.

9. Setting personal goals

Identifying what skills you want to develop can help guide your learning efforts. Whether it’s becoming proficient in a new software tool or enhancing your presentation skills, having specific targets keeps your learning focused and makes it easier to identify opportunities to meet those goals at work.

10. Reflecting on your learning

Take some time to think about what you’ve learned and how you can apply it. This could be a quick mental review or a written note. Reflecting helps you internalise what you’ve learned, refine your approaches to learning and assess what’s next. Reflection also promotes self-awareness, allowing you to better understand your own learning style, which can guide more effective and tailored education.

Staying proactive about learning at work not only boosts your career but also makes your daily routine more dynamic. By engaging in training, leveraging resources, and putting yourself out there, you’ll continue to grow and enjoy your work more fully.

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