Employers Apprenticeship Training
Employer Webinar: Apprenticeship Training for Your Business
Thursday 13 February 2025, 2pm-3pm
Are you thinking about recruiting an apprentice for your business, or looking for a training option for your existing staff members? Join our free webinar and Q&A session to explore apprenticeship training and ask any questions you may have. We’ll provide an overview of the apprenticeships we offer, and cover key topics including how apprenticeships work, the benefits to employers, the financial incentives available for employers hiring apprentices, the process of recruiting an apprentice, and more.
Why invest in apprenticeship training?
Apprenticeships are a great way to upskill existing staff or recruit new trainees to grow your team.
Why hire an apprentice?
Are you looking for enthusiastic and talented people that you can shape and develop to help drive your business forward? If so, hiring an apprentice may be the solution! Over 130,000 businesses across the UK are now training apprentices; recognising their effectiveness at increasing productivity, improving performance and building a committed and skilled workforce.
Take a look at the recruitment process…
Train existing staff!
Apprenticeships are not just for people new to a job! They can be undertaken by existing members of staff to upskill or retrain; providing an effective way to nurture and develop employees with the skills and knowledge to help your business grow and stand out from the competition.
Discover the benefits that apprenticeship training can bring to your business…
Quick Facts
- Apprentices must have a contract of employment, be over 16 years of age (or 15 if their 16th birthday is between the last Friday in June and 31 August), and be earning at least the National Minimum Wage for Apprentices. Currently this is £6.40 per hour (April 2024) although many employers do choose to pay more
- Apprentices no longer have to be working for a minimum of 30 hours per week! Whilst 30 hours a week or more is ideal, if the apprentice is working less than this the length of their apprenticeship will be extended
- It no longer matters if your apprentice already has a qualification the same level or above as the apprenticeship being undertaken so long as it is in a different subject. This means having a degree already doesn’t mean an apprenticeship can’t be undertaken
- Any employer taking on a new apprentice under 19 years of age will receive a £1,000 incentive!
- Recruit for free! The College can help you to recruit a new apprentice free of charge.
Apprenticeship Funding
Each apprenticeship has a funding band associated to it. This is the cost of the course. However the amount of this that you pay depends upon the size of your organisation.
- If you are an employer with more than a £3 million annual pay bill then you are considered a Levy Payer. Your organisation will pay money into a compulsory levy pot each month. This money is then used to pay the total apprenticeship cost. Find out more
- If you are an employer with less than a £3 million annual pay bill you are a Non Levy Payer. This means you pay 5% of the associated funding band and the government pay the remaining 95%. Find out more
Where an apprenticeship is not yet a new standard there may be an additional fee on top of the funding band. Please see individual course information for full costs.
Additional Incentives
- If you recruit an apprentice under 19 years of age you will receive a £1,000 incentive from the government toward training fees. This is paid to you in two parts.
- If you have less than 50 employees and the apprentice is under 21 years of age, then the apprenticeship may be fully funded.
Why choose CAW Business School as a training provider?
- We’re on the Apprenticeship Providers and Assessment Register (APAR). All providers on the APAR have been through a thorough application process with the Skills Funding Agency (SFA) that assessed their capability to deliver high-quality apprenticeship training.
- We have a well-earned reputation for excellence; delivering quality training, education and employer support.
- All our tutors and assessors are fully qualified with strong industry and teaching experience.
- Individual student needs can be catered for by our diverse teaching, learning and assessment approaches.
- Access to our unique Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) and extensive eLibrary resources is provided to all students.
Take a look at the apprenticeships we offer
I’m interested in apprenticeship training, how do I find out more?
Recruiting a new apprentice
If you are looking to take on a new apprentice, please contact our funding team who can help you by advertising your vacancy and processing the applications ready for you to select for interview.
Training existing staff
If you are looking to train existing members of staff, your employee will need to select the apprenticeship they are interested in and apply online.
If you would like to speak to anyone regarding apprenticeship training, please contact us – we will be happy to talk you through your options.