What makes a good leader?

Posted: 23 April 2020 at 10:14 am | Author: CAW Business School

Whether you’re climbing the career ladder and heading for a managerial role, or you’ve been working in a leadership position for some time, you may have wondered what makes a good manager?

Whilst being the boss has its perks, the job also comes with a lot of work and responsibility. Take a look at some of the qualities we think make a good leader:

1. A natural “people person”

Helping your team fix issues, listening to the problems of others, coordinating holidays and absences, dealing with poor performance or behaviour, coaching and mentoring – a huge part of a manager’s role revolves around people. Good managers enjoy working with others and are motivated to see their team succeed.  

2. Enjoys teaching and coaching

Manager’s spend a lot of time developing their staff members; whether this be by providing feedback on work, teaching them new skills, undertaking probation reviews or providing opportunities for development in areas they would like to improve in. A manager’s job is perfect for those who’re excited about helping and developing people.

3. Comfortable giving feedback and making decisions  

As a manager, you’ll often be asked for your approval or opinion on work. Your decision making will often make the difference between a complacent and productive team. Good managers are comfortable having the final word and don’t run and hide when tricky decisions come around.

4. Calm and collected in a conflict

Some people cringe at the prospect of confrontation, but the reality of leadership and management is that sometimes you will face unhappy clients or team members – sometimes tough decisions need to made and not everyone will be happy about it. We think good managers should navigate conflict with composure and ensure everyone feels their voice is being heard. What’s more – no one enjoys being bad cop, but sometimes a good manager is the person who delivers bad news or brings tricky issues to the forefront.

5. Excellent listening skills

Successful management is all about listening to your team. Learning about what makes them tick, what their weaknesses are, what they want to achieve in their career.

6. Qualified and eager to learn more

People who work in management are often highly qualified in their own right, but often take regular steps to ensure they stay that way and put themselves in a better position professionally, so they can lead their team with care and confidence. They may seek a mentor, get further on-the-job train or undertake a formal qualification in Leadership and Management.

An ILM Leadership and Management Qualification can Help You Become a More Effective Leader

Are you a manager or team leader in your workplace? Or perhaps you’re aspiring to be one? In today’s challenging climate, it’s more important than ever to be able to lead your team with care and confidence.

Available at levels 3 & 5, our ILM accredited leadership and management courses can give you the skills and confidence to lead and motivate a team and deal with difficult situations, all whilst boosting your career and salary prospects. You’ll also learn more about how to:

  • Manage team dynamics and deal with conflict
  • Utilise individual strengths and motivate teams
  • Delegate workloads and set objectives
  • Give direction and guidance 
  • Contribute to planning, problem solving and decision making
  • Apply discipline in the workplace

The courses offer a combination of online learning and study days, allowing you to fit your studies around your day-to-day commitments.

Apply for a leadership and management qualification today

CAW Business School, based in Godmanchester, Huntingdon (Cambridgeshire) was set up by The College of Animal Welfare in 2012 to offer business and accountancy programmes to those throughout the Eastern region and beyond. For more information visit https://business.caw.ac.uk

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