Tough Love!

Posted: 7 February 2017 at 2:44 pm | Author: Laura Morris

So now we’re already into February and 2017 is well and truly underway. With Valentines just around the corner perhaps it’s time for some ‘tough love’. The excuse of ‘just getting back into the swing of it’ has worn thin and it might be time to work out what have you actually achieved in the last month?

Now be honest with yourself, have you really done as much as you would have liked? In a lot of cases the answer seems to be a resounding no. This could be because you set your expectations too high in the first place; striving for perfection is a whole other topic! It could also be because your own motivation may be lacking.

There are several external factors you could put this down too, perhaps you’re struggling after being off at Christmas, maybe you have had a hard time recently, or maybe the grey and cold weather has left you finding it difficult to get motivated. Whatever your reason, the reality is that there will usually always be something happening in your life that can affect your motivation and be causing you to put off tasks until another day. Maybe it’s time to think about putting a strategy in place to make sure that you do not get side-tracked and can remain focussed on the tasks ahead and your long term goals.

The real truth is that the only factor or person that can motivate you to really strive to achieve is you. Is it time to sit down and write down the real reasons that are stopping you accomplishing your desires?

Maybe you just aren’t trying are hard as you could be, perhaps you’re too tired, or it could be that you simply need to learn ways to be more effective such as managing your time better. Now stop and ask yourself, what can you change that will amend the situation? The answer more than likely is your own approach!

It’s time to take some control back and be responsible for your own actions and the accompanying results by identifying a solution to each reason. Sometimes just by having a goal or a plan of action in mind can be motivation in itself and you might just be surprised at the results!

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