Employers prefer to hire candidates with apprenticeship experience, AAT research shows

Posted: 28 August 2018 at 1:55 pm | Author: CAW Business School

In a recent survey of 1,000 employers, carried out by the Association of Accounting Technicians (AAT), 49% said they would prefer to see apprenticeship experience or a previous position on a candidates CV. This is compared to only 24% who would prefer to see a relevant degree qualification.

Of those who said they prioritise candidates who have relevant apprenticeship experience or experience from a previous job, 71% said this was because it shows that candidates have demonstrated their skills in a practical setting. 62% said it shows they have a better understanding of the world of work.

Employers also specified the top ten priorities they look for in a candidate when they are hiring as part of the research. They are:

  1. How they’d fit into the company culture
  2. How much experience they have
  3. Their general personality
  4. How well qualified they are
  5. A proactive attitude
  6. Ability to work in a team
  7. Showing a willingness to learn
  8. Ability to self-manage and take initiative
  9. Showing ambition
  10. Communication skills

This is great news for those interested in undertaking an apprenticeship programme, as the research indicates that employers are seeing the value of practical experience gained from an apprenticeship more than ever before! Read the full report

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