Are you playing communication roulette? I’m sure there are times when you have felt like it doesn’t matter what you say as no-one is listening to you, but someone is always listening. The real question is ‘does what you say get interpreted in the way you want it to?’ You may have become a team leader because you are the... Posted: 2 May 2018 at 8:30 am by Laura Morris
English and Maths – Are they really that important? Do you look forward to the time when your Maths and English skills will cross paths with your studies here at The College of Animal Welfare (CAW), or maybe you dread the thought of it? Either way, we’re here to make sure that you’ll never have to panic at the thought of applying your Maths... Posted: 30 April 2018 at 2:00 pm by Lauren Daws
LGBT History Month – How can you get involved? February is LGBT history month, and this year’s theme is ‘Geography-mapping the world’ and is all about OUTing the past! The badge for this year, designed by Cristian-Emanuel Buda, features two compasses facing each other; which he says demonstrates LGBT people finding their way in the world, whether it is accepting of them or not.... Posted: 26 February 2018 at 11:32 am by Lauren Daws
#OneLifeLiveIt Changing careers can be a scary thing… Do you look forward to going to work every day or does each morning leave you feeling more and more uninspired? The New Year sparks many of us into revaluating our lives; setting resolutions that aim to make our lives happier and more fulfilled. For some, the planned changes can be easily achieved such as... Posted: 22 December 2017 at 1:43 pm by Alison German
Tough Love! So now we’re already into February and 2017 is well and truly underway. With Valentines just around the corner perhaps it’s time for some ‘tough love’. The excuse of ‘just getting back into the swing of it’ has worn thin and it might be time to work out what have you actually achieved in the... Posted: 7 February 2017 at 2:44 pm by Laura Morris
New year, new start. . .or is it? New year, new start, new you – well that’s what a lot of us say going in to the beginning of a new year! But, how many of us actually make any real changes? More to the point, how many of us make any changes that actually last and have any kind of long term... Posted: 6 January 2017 at 10:00 am by Laura Morris
Setting some shiny new goals for 2017? Make sure they’re SMART! Happy New Year from everyone at CAW Business School! We hope you are ready to tackle a new year with fresh ideas and renewed enthusiasm. Will 2017 be the year you find your dream job? Or the year you conquer your deepest fears? Only you can decide, but remember to make any goals you choose... Posted: 4 January 2017 at 9:00 am by Alison German
Struggling to stay motivated? It can be hard to stay motivated, particularly with the dark wintry days that are upon us. However don’t despair there are things that you can do to give yourself that much needed boost! Whilst you may not have full control of your situation, you do have full control as to how you choose to... Posted: 22 November 2016 at 11:16 am by Laura Morris
Could you cope without your emails? Oh no it’s a disaster! There is an issue with the company server and you can’t send, or receive, any emails. Wait a second, is it really as bad as it seems? Could this blip really be a blessing in disguise? Is the continuous stream of emails arriving in you inbox a distraction? How often... Posted: 10 October 2016 at 10:49 am by Laura Morris
Are you sacrificing your career to keep the peace? Is it best to look after number one or is it better to keep the peace in the team? Well the obvious answer is to do both, but we are all aware that we don’t live in a perfect world and this can’t always be achieved. So what’s the best way forward? It’s all about... Posted: 19 September 2016 at 7:43 am by Laura Morris