Emotional Intelligence: Why is this important? Many people are now familiar with the concept of Emotional Intelligence (EQ). It is in essence the ability to understand your own emotions as well as the emotions of others and to use this ability to develop successful relationships. EQ comprises of 4 key areas: Self Awareness – recognising your own emotions Self Management –... Posted: 22 June 2015 at 9:19 am by Laura Morris
Embrace the Stress! Arrggh too much to do? Not enough time? Don’t panic, embrace the stress! No I haven’t gone mad, stress can actually be good for you! Stress is your body reacting to a particular situation; your body is filled with chemicals including cortisol and epinephrine and this elicits a fight-or-flight response. The release of adrenaline can... Posted: 9 April 2015 at 9:05 am by Laura Morris
Your Team is like Leftover Soup: Even better as time goes by! Grandmas through the ages have always sworn that soup gets better as time goes by. Flavors mellow, blend, and mix in the refrigerator, adding a magical ‘something’ to the soup that was already pretty wonderful to start with. What’s Grandma’s secret? More importantly, what does that have to do with your team? Making a really... Posted: 2 March 2015 at 9:22 am by Laura Morris
It’s not about what you want! One of the first key lessons in sales that is important to learn, when you are trying to make a sale – it’s not about what you want! Have you in mind exactly what service or product it is that you are trying to persuade a client they need? If you are trying to persuade... Posted: 16 February 2015 at 9:06 am by Laura Morris
How to Work Smarter – Not Harder Ever had that feeling where there just isn’t enough time in the day? You think you have been extremely busy but just haven’t achieved anything – the chances are you’re right, at the very least you probably haven’t achieved as much as you could have! Being busy doesn’t necessarily mean you are being productive. By... Posted: 15 January 2015 at 10:27 am by Laura Morris
Three Top Tips for Getting Ahead in 2015 It’s that time of year again, you’re feeling fat after having too many mince pies and the excitement of Christmas has gone for another year. At this point many people turn their attention to the year ahead. What to do differently? What goals are you setting yourself? Amongst some of the common resolutions such as... Posted: 8 January 2015 at 1:22 pm by Laura Morris
How to Welcome your New Year’s New Staff Well, that was quite the New Year’s Bash you had at your workplace! Still, the work-week has reared its ugly head. You’ve managed to shake off the headache, taken down the bunting, and you’ve successfully removed the HR bloke from where the accountants gaffer taped him to the side of the stationery cupboard. It’s lucky... Posted: 5 January 2015 at 11:34 am by Laura Morris
Three simple tips to get the most from your team in 2015 The key word in the title of this article is ‘team’. Not colleagues, co-workers or employees but team. Afterall, as we’ve all heard: “Teamwork makes the dream work!” – John C. Maxwell Everyone in your company has a unique role to play, without each individual there is a gap in the process. Therefore the first... Posted: 12 December 2014 at 3:29 pm by Laura Morris
Secret Santa Struggle? Yes, it’s edging closer to that time of year when the chances are you face a wide spread dilemma – what on earth are you meant to get as a secret Santa present for your colleague? Perhaps you may not know the staff member that well, do you choose a ‘funny gift’ and hope you... Posted: 3 December 2014 at 1:57 pm by Laura Morris
Why Your Employees Are Leaving you – and What You Can Do To Stop Them! Ever found yourself left frustrated wondering why your best employees are often the ones that leave? It is important to retain good employees for so many reasons. Financially it is costly to recruit a replacement. Not only do you have the costs of potentially placing an advertisement on internet job boards or in a newspaper,... Posted: 20 November 2014 at 10:12 am by Laura Morris