Are you sacrificing your career to keep the peace? Is it best to look after number one or is it better to keep the peace in the team? Well the obvious answer is to do both, but we are all aware that we don’t live in a perfect world and this can’t always be achieved. So what’s the best way forward? It’s all about... Posted: 19 September 2016 at 7:43 am by Laura Morris
The importance of team communication How often have you had a conversation with a work colleague that would have been useful to have known earlier? Infuriating isn’t it! However, I’m sure we’re all guilty of this at times, finding something out but not thinking to pass it on or share it with the team. It is easy to do, you... Posted: 2 September 2016 at 11:01 am by Laura Morris
How much do you support your staff? One of your employees comes to you to say they need support in a specific area of their job. Firstly, give yourself a pat on the back, as it must mean you are an approachable leader! However, there is the possibility that you are also a tad frustrated because now you have to find a... Posted: 9 August 2016 at 12:29 pm by Laura Morris
Is your work a positive place? Think about when you walk into the office on a Monday morning. Do you get greeted by smiles or grumbles about being back to work? Now go on to consider how this reaction impacts upon your own start to the day. No matter how much of a self-driven individual you are what goes on around... Posted: 19 July 2016 at 10:55 am by Laura Morris
Which camp are you in? With all the panic that has ensued from ‘Brexit’ it appears that reactions seem to fall into three distinct camps: Satisfied – With a majority vote of course there are going to be those that are happy with the result and eagerly awaiting the exit from the EU. Angry – These are the people that... Posted: 1 July 2016 at 11:38 am by Laura Morris
Don’t underestimate the opportunities you can offer Have you ever felt that what you do is just common sense and doesn’t require specific training? What you are likely failing to realise is that just because something is simple to you, doesn’t mean that everyone else would automatically know how to do it! Recently a prospective apprenticeship employer said that the job that they... Posted: 11 May 2016 at 2:31 pm by Laura Morris
Three mistakes you’re likely to make when aiming for promotion Are you wondering why you are not getting a promotion? Think you are doing everything right yet your still not moving up the career ladder? It’s just possible that you are making at least one of these classic errors! Not asking for a promotion You know you want a promotion, your friends know you want... Posted: 15 April 2016 at 12:53 pm by Laura Morris
Do you play the blame game? Have you ever given much thought as to why there are certain policies and procedures in place in your workplace? Now, some may well be there for a very good reason, such as in a medical environment it could be necessary to have allergies to medicines listed in a particular place. This prevents no-one gets... Posted: 17 March 2016 at 3:35 pm by Laura Morris
Wake Up And Smell The Coffee! How Mindful Are You? Did you know that increasing your mindfulness ability can make you more effective within the workplace? Sometimes the day-to-day demands of your job can you leave you feeling drained. Understandable, as juggling different requirements from colleagues, customers and various stakeholders requires a lot of multi-tasking and patience! Mindfulness is a mental state that is able... Posted: 5 January 2016 at 2:49 pm by Laura Morris
Are you a team player? How much does your team help each other out? Are you all on the same page or reading totally different books?! It can be very easy when you have your own responsibilities to become so involved in those that you forget there are other people around you experiencing difficulties and levels of isolation. It can... Posted: 24 November 2015 at 4:32 pm by Laura Morris